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Cake Tutorial

The holidays are upon us and I thought it would be fun to share this tutorial we did for Style Me Pretty Living.  Before I started doing flowers I was doing wedding cakes.  I made the first one in the seventh grade.  It's so funny to think back on that now... how grown adults trusted a 15 year old to deliver a pretty, tasty cake to their event! How I met with them and helped them decide what they wanted it to look like and taste like.  I mean, my Mom had to drive me everywhere!  

Today is Mom's birthday and this post is dedicated to her.  She always showed up to help me with my cakes.  She stills shows up to help me, many years later and a day's drive away.  One of my favorite memories of the year was looking in my rear-view mirror seeing her driving behind me on an emergency flower hunt.  That day my special roses were trapped in Tennessee, my main order was in Virginia, all the peonies died, the ranunculus had worms, and I was a nervous wreck.  She drove 8 hours to come help, 11 hours flower hunting and then 8 hours home!  She arranged with me all day, took pictures on her iPad like she was having fun and had a good attitude the whole time.  

Go hug your Mom or someone you love and make this cake for them... it's so easy and all the instructions are on Style Me Pretty Living.

Photos by Heather Payne Photography