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Lifelong Learner :: Ariella Chezar's Flower Workshop

Lifelong learner -- the two words I took away from my time studying to be a teacher in college.  In that classroom I decided I wanted to do more than know the definition of a lifelong learner...I wanted to be one.  I wanted to live those words.  I'm glad that I did.  It's made every day so interesting!

When I fell in love with flowers there were three people on my list that I wanted to learn from -- Little Flower School Brooklyn, Kate Holt and Ariella Chezar.  It's funny because since then I've found old clippings from Martha Stewart (which I've been subscribing to since middle school) featuring these women and their flowers.  Actually, the further back I look, the more and more I realize that this has been in my heart since the beginning.  

What's in your heart?  Embrace it and learn everything you can about it, because like Julia says...

"You'll never know everything about anything, especially if it's something you love"

Workshop Host:  Ariella Chezar

Photos: Corbin Gurkin